You Do Not Need Permission to Be Yourself

Diana Waldron
2 min readMar 7, 2023
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You do not need permission to be yourself. You do not need permission to create distance between yourself or anyone else who is causing you harm or who is triggering you.

Don’t wait to make changes.

Learn to trust yourself.

Give yourself the time and space you need in order to heal.

Do not go backwards.

Do not fall back into the temptation trap of comforts of the past.

Unleash yourself. Abandon yourself to the mystery. Leave behind the storyline created by your family, friends, society—that is an old story. Claim your sovereignty. Become all that you are meant to be. Yes, it is scary at first. Yes, it will not be “approved of.” But you will be free. And you will be healing. That is the most important part. Your healing. Your truth. Your voice. Your freedom.

Fuck the past. It’s gone. Are you going to keep sitting in an old, dingy story that offers no hope, or will you rise up and create a legend for yourself? Carve your own path. Be a warrior. Be your own light. Listen to the calling of your heart and jump in. Do not wait for outside approval. Do not wait for things to fall into your lap. Do not wait for permission. Stay focused on your mission. Ignore all distractions. Keep the negative energies out. You do not need permission to live as your highest self. You are under no obligation to be the person other people have created you to be inside their heads. That is their problem if you do not fit into their perceived expectation of who you should be.

Commit to developing your highest potential. Your time here will come to an end. When you get to the end of your life, what moments are you going to wish you’d had? Prioritize those. Blossom into who you were born to be.



Diana Waldron

Diana Waldron is a writer and a sitarist living in the Hudson Valley.