The Power in Pain

Diana Waldron
3 min readJun 17, 2024
Photo by Hilde Swets from Pixabay

Pain is a portal. Most of our modern culture is built around anesthetizing our pain without fully processing it.

Coffee. Sugar. Social media. Television. Drugs. Painkillers.

Our entire medical system is literally based around treating the symptoms and not the cause. We don’t dig deeper. We want the quickest way to “end the pain” without understanding the story our pain is begging us to decipher and hear. We don’t seek to understand the deeper meaning behind pain.

Ultimately, pain reminds us of our humanity. We all experience pain. We all suffer. How do we transform this suffering? By noticing this in its entirety. By going deeply and fully into the pain. By going deeply into the pain, slowly, we get to know its edges. Its contours. Its girth. When we numb the pain, it only goes deeper. It gets buried and hardens within us only to have to be dredged up at a later time. It has to come out eventually. We can’t keep drowning it or intoxicating it in hopes of numbing it. This is the root of any addiction.

We have to care for our bleeding hearts.

And sometimes we might not even know why we are sad. Or why we feel depressed. But there is a voice there waiting to be heard. We have to create softness around this hard, abused, harsh, possibly volatile/violent self in order to fully grieve it…



Diana Waldron

Diana Waldron is a writer and a sitarist living in the Hudson Valley.