Member-only story
The Effect of Sound on the Subtle Bodies
I heard an interesting statement from a doctor the other day. He said, “We tend to think our bodies contain our energy, but in reality, it is our energy that contains our body.” What he means by this is that our energy determines our physical form — not the other way around.
According to Ayurvedic and yogic philosophy, we’re composed of many different energetic bodies or energetic sheaths, known as the koshas. These layers exist beyond just our physical body.
Sound, unlike any other “substance” in the universe, has the ability to penetrate the deepest layers of the mind. It is like a laser that penetrates the cellular membrane walls, breaking up stagnation (ie., trauma, past memories, etc.). Tibetan monks incorporate humming into their daily meditation practice. Why? Because humming quite literally “shakes” the bones in the skull, releasing pent up energy and creating a calming effect. Humming rearranges the molecular structures within the brain, reducing stress levels and increasing lymphatic circulation. Some scientific studies have shown that humming reduces activity in areas of the brain related to depression.
Meditating on sound creates a sense of calmness, but beyond that, it has a physiological effect on the entire organism. It dissolves blockages; it sharpens the awareness; it opens the mind to a higher level of…